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Blogs & Editorials

Welcome to The Ardent Leader! We’re sharing insightful blogs and personal-perspective editorials on career advancement, leadership, and personal work experiences. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it. This isn’t AI generated advice, but sourced from real leaders experiencing the real world.

Our site is still under construction and we ask for your patience while we try to bring you the best experience. Stay tuned for more exciting articles coming soon!

Defining success and rethinking the value of a corporate job.

Defining Success: Rethinking the Value of a Corporate Job

Over time, I gained a different perspective on life, particularly about work. My re-evaluated priorities and redefined successes caused[…]

Continuing to advance and revive your career after a layoff

Career Revival:How to Progress After Experiencing a Layoff

Getting laid off is a KICK in the gut. You feel like a failure. You recount through endless scenarios[…]

About us

At The Ardent Leader, we provide real-world insights and advice to help future leaders climb the corporate ladder and advance their careers.

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